Sunday 9 August 2009


Well i reckon i must have wet my bed last night as i was up so early .Anyone who knows me will tell you I am definitely NOT an early riser . I dont know what happened this morning but i was wide awake and gagging for a cuppa at 6am , so got up , put some washing in and had a couple of brews , getting peckish now so am off for some croissants soon, and another brew.
Im a big tea drinker you see.

We had a bbq yesterday afternoon , jason and kellie came round ( son and gf ) and we sat in the sun with a bowl of home made punch and lots of fish, salad and jacket spuds and jasons home made burgers with mozarella inside them , followed by raspberry cheesecake .yum !!

Im hoping this warmer brighter weather stays around a bit , what do you think ? will it or wont it ? I would not like to put money on it staying .

Have you noticed the piccie on the left there <. We are narrowboaters ,we are at our most chilled out when on a boat . We started it a few years ago instead of going abroad while i got over a skin cancer on my face and we fell in love with it , we have not been on a greek holiday since then .
In May we went to a boat show at Braunston marina and saw a share scheme boat with shares for sale , and bought one ,just like that ! We were so excited ,still are and we cant wait to get on her in september for a week .

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